
Religions and the Age of Aquarius

1. Our world was made by the thought of god

2. Thought, the thought of god was a mighty vibration, out of this thought was born light.

3. Light, out of Light was born all matter. This is the first great fundamental truth of our world.

4. Thought of human beings, because they use the mighty thought force out of the mind of god, which permeates and keeps all things, thoughts of human beings have vibration.

Vibrations we have seen can create, because the beginnings and the endings are always part of the one, what creates can destroy. Therefore, thoughts of human beings, having vibrations, must (where there is knowledge) be controlled as to direction.

Science can prove that our thoughts have strong vibrations; thought can be measured in intensity, breadth and depth.

Science can prove that emanating from the human mind, when active, comes ever varying colour force, created as was light, by the use of mind vibration, which created Light, and that which our psychics call 'aura' has such dimensions that its magnitude can be measured, not only in terms of Light and colour, but in terms of force.

This force, through humanity, can be projected from the human body by the power of thought, and that vibration creates. We are using in thoughts the greatest power known to our world, the power of creation in miniature.

Many times we have listened to our teachers trying to brand unto our minds the understanding of the responsibility of our own thoughts. If one of us succeeds in utilizing his, or her mind, for good, and the object of those good thoughts are clearly defined within his or her mind, not 10,000 thoughts of error can interfere with this thought of good, for good is but the name that was fashioned for God. Good and God are synonymous of the same thing.

Constructive perfection and beauty is the unremitting support for the whole, and not for the individual parts. So that when you work your mind for Good, directed to one particular person, or nation of people, it must be solely that the whole may be benefited by your thoughts. 'The power of thought was not given lightly to man, and unless it was within the compass of man's understanding, the gift of thought would have been withheld. For none is given power to use which is beyond their understanding.

Our teachers have shown us repercussions of thoughts throughout the world, but still, we do not seem to understand in depth, sufficiently enough, to use this force of thought power to the uttermost of our ability. Unless it were within the bounds of possibility, unless it was within the capabilities of mankind, the power of thoughts would not have been given to us, we would be as the animals, directed by a strong group force of intelligence, without present individuality.

Without judging mankind in mass, or in individuals, it must be obvious that the world we live in today is made completely from the thoughts of man, excepting that which is perfection and beyond our influence. This Mighty Force has given us a world full of beauty, rich in produce to feed our bodies, the purest of waters that flow from the rocks. A beautiful world warmed by the sun and cooled by the breezes, a paradise indeed for all, perfection, and what has mankind done with this paradise?

Two thousand years ago a great Teacher came to this world for a short space of time. The years of His Ministry can be counted by the fingers on one hand. He walked among men, supported by twelve. Until the turn of this century millions obediently followed the Teachings of the One and twelve. The One dwelt among for a little time; the twelve were left to give to the world His words.

Do you need me to tell you the mighty compass, which the thoughts of that One have reached?

On our earth today, is but a fragment of those who know and understand, and through all the intermediate spheres they obey the will of God, as in love for all brothers and sisters. He taught it while on earth. He walked among mankind a little while. It was not from his lips that the millions have learnt, but from the thought forces of the twelve, and then from the twelve times twelve, and twelve times twelve times twelve. In simple language, if one begets a thought that is good (Good is but the second name of God), if you think Good things, you give birth to God again within the world, and where directed, that Good can go.

There in love and perfection, in service and in beauty goes your thoughts, and as all things are conceived in the Mind of God in utter perfection, so if your thought is perfect in its conception, and there is no other cross-vibration, no thoughts that can turn it from its path, or can assail it upon its way.

Great faiths are not born of modern propaganda.

They are not born from those who herald them on the mountains with trumpets. It is not the lungs of brass, or the voice of the trumpets.

Let us take all the great religions of our world.

Christianity, Mohammedanism Buddhism, Taoism.

Let us examine the life of Christ briefly……

As was fitting he was born in the humblest of places to signify to man that the mighty forces of God are noblest in humility, and that the lowest among us can indeed become God's representative upon this earth. His foster-father was a carpenter, his companions those of the great mass of people. He walked upon his feet from place to place, serving always, even in his youth serving always. He did not proclaim himself to have the powers of the mighty force of God. He claimed, in humility, that he gave the word of God to the children of earth. Of possessions he had none, no banners waved above his head, no trumpets sounded for him.

They were sounded only by the legions of Rome - and what propaganda there was.

For even in the days of Caesar propaganda was the instrument of the state, and what propaganda there was, was directed towards his defamation, not his upliftment. His twelve (fishers of souls he called two of them), they had no education as you know it, no force of oratory, nothing, yet that which misrepresents itself as the Church of Christ, today, sprawls across the whole of our world.

From the mouth of one and then through the twelve- From where came this power?
From the humility of common mans understanding, and allied with the mighty force of the power of truth, which is of God, because they were taught "As a man thought, so a man was”.

In no religious text will you find one bit of human power, or force, was used to create that which should have been, the mighty force of balance upon earth.


Mohammed was inspired by voices of the children of God. He was, to all intents and purposes a great Teacher, inspired by greater Teachers, who were free of mortal flesh. From High spheres, because he was receptive of truth, great inspirations were given unto him, and when he spoke of them, even unto his own people, they drove him forth into the wilderness, and there he lived with the wild asses, fed like the hermits in a cave, and on skins, on parchment wrote his book and then he went among, the people, singly, in small groups - one man and the faith of Islam on earth to-day claims 490 million followers.

His thoughts were right, and with him knowingly went the power of God, because he was told that if he believed the truth of the words given unto him, those words would flame through the living world - and they did, but just as with Christ, the flame of truth was after a time, read as the flame of the sword. Even to-day the Islam, the Moslem or Mohammedan, now that inside of him is more than he speaks, he must abase himself before his God, and it is the law of his faith that he does.


Buddha was a rich man and powerful. Many his houses and great was his wealth. His guards were numbered by the thousand and his people by the million, and when he road abroad men must bow their faces into the dust.

This was his place until he reached the age of thirty years, and then he listened to the voice of truth. He was a man who possessed all that the heart of human man could desire, excepting God. We would call Buddha clair-audient to-day.

The voices spoke to him in his chamber, when he rode, when hunting falcons and when he was in the Halls of Justice, the words he heard being truth, would not be denied, and he saw in a vision the great and glorious understanding of the vast things of eternity and the littleness of the material things of men.

To every slave within his vast realm, there was given perfect freedom, his vast riches were given completely to the last coin unto those who had nothing, and he departed to the mountain to commune with God.

When he returned to the world the people rejected him, but there were those among the common people who had received goodness from him and in one, two, and three and small groups they stole warily to the caves.

Those in poverty went into his cave, and there they learned of the Truth of things, the Truth of the Love of God, and the Truth of the everlastingness of humanity, of the undying-ness of your souls and of the inability of man to think, at least from the judgement of his works by the God within himself, and these ones went back into the villages changed men.

Because of the change in these poor ones, men of learning would be disciples of Buddha, they stole to the caves until within his lifetime, and centuries after his death, there was peace in the land of India and Tibet was a holy Place.

Such was the birth of our religions.

Out of truth and the conviction in the minds of single men, and then of their followers, this was the greatest truth given to men, the truth of his immortality, the truth of his God-like state.

If we can awaken enough souls to the true nature of their existence, then the first great light of Aquarius will shine upon our world untrammelled by the dark of Pisces.

In the age of Pisces, as its name implies, the teachers have fished for the souls of men, to show them the Truth of God. Soon, a great outpouring from the Spirit of God will fall upon the earth - or utter darkness. So, my brothers and sisters, the greatest gift bestowed upon us, was the great power of the vibration of thought.

'Let your light shine before men', is not metaphor.

Send forth good vibrations of thought, help heal our wounded world.

Lend your love and patience to all of humanity. Use this knowledge, and if you use it not, depends upon the understanding that you have of this vibration of the power of thought. The Light surrounds you. Open your eyes that you might see it, and the eyes of each behold that which dwells within your heart, and the lamp that shines on, within each and everyone of us.

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