
Out of the Mind of God came all

I endeavour to give to you some understanding of the power of thought. It is in the record of things that have been given unto you here, that you have been told you must leave thoughts of material things outside of the sanctuary when you come to sit. The power of thought must be understood, to act in all things. Each thought of yours attracts force, and if the force attracted is for material things or for thoughts of material things, it has a force of its own, and detracts from the harmony of spirituality, which it is desired to maintain.

We have dealt with the power of thought at some length. It is that I wish, as soon as possible, that you should all read and study the words, which have been given to you. Into your minds must come this understanding, for without this understanding, the truth and wisdom, the powers that have force, and form, which you are to use, without the proper understanding of thought, there is danger of mis-application of force and power.

In the last weeks I have given unto you that, which if understood, can show you the path of your thoughts, the path which they must take to avail themselves, so that this force may be given outwards, for the benefit of the whole.

Here your minds are finite, they are gateways to your world. If mankind, and all that is meant by that word, is to come to that heritage of beauty, which was God’s desire, then the gateways must be used. There are many ancient sayings in books dealing with gateways, and always the meaning in the hidden words is the gateway of your human minds opening to give forth the power of God, through you, and others like you. How do you do this?

First, you must dedicate yourselves within your hearts to Good, and realise that your portion in the work is to bring to perfection this creation. First you must call to the source within, this is difficult unless you control your physical body by concentrating lightly, not over intensely, lightly upon something of beauty. Hold your attention lightly, but exclusively on some thought of beauty in your mind. Control, within reason, your breathing, when you feel utter calmness within yourself, dedicate yourself simply, and in thought, not even framing words in your mind, but lovingly and willingly, and in humility, slipping, as it were, into deep reverence for the Mighty Central Force of the Soul of Source. This is but the opening of the door.

Why do you seek God? The answer is you must do if you are to reach that state of high attainment, that which you should desire; the answer must be "Let thy will, not mine, be done among men". So, co-joining with that, I say there must be adoration for God's creation, and God's creation embraces all. So into your mind let slip that part of creation known to you - the sun, the moon, the stars, your own earth, the beauty of the trees and the flowers, the animals and the birds, and because it is God's creation, adore it.

Lastly into your mind bring in adoration and in love, that most wondrous of God's creations, the mind enshrined within the bodies of Human beings. The power to reason and to create, the Mind Force of God within a rotting vessel. So you can see how to approach unto the point where you can direct the God-Force to mankind in all its states, which you must, as pure Children of God, adore in all its moods.

Understand it this way; each part of humanity holds within it a part of the mind force of God. This you have been told many times, but now is the time you must each understand the true significance of that spark of light. Out of the Mind of God came all, and the Mind of God is in all, in trees and birds and beasts, they obey the mainstream of creation, and the divine mind causes them to grow and multiply within the group intelligence, which created all. You were created in his likeness, that the angels had not your mighty purpose, although their order is high, their beauty and perfection unsullied, yet they have not within their powers individual creation, which you have.

So imagine this mighty stream of power, emanating from the Source, going out and returning from whence it came, continuously moving, weaving, and creating. Supporting that which it has created. The Children of this Earth - in as much as having creative force, mostly hinder, the powerful stream of creative Goodness that flows through everything.

It will be understood by all, you can understand, that for the whole to be complete, all of its units must combine, and if one little atom is missing, and then the whole is not perfect in symmetry.

The Mind Force, the creative mind flows on and on, in animals, birds, fishes, the earth, in the sky, stars, moons, and planets, all the mighty creative force obeys. That is the mainstream of creation. The finer, more infinite stream, that which was in the first, and in the last. That which conceived all these wonders, reposes, in part, in each small atom of humanity. Its perfection can never be complete without the mind-force of each of its atoms turning back to perfection, so that the mind-force of individual man can join the flood of creative mind, and so fulfil the divine purpose of existence.

Our duty is to perfect this world, part of all creation, by the use of that constructive creative mind force, which has been given unto you, the power of which you were told. If small numbers of people realised, in the fullness of its meaning, that you are of the Mind of God and can use his constructive, creative mind, you could build a temple here, visible to your own eyes, out of atoms of thought alone.

Mankind once could lift by thought alone, mighty pinnacles of rock. The story of the Red Sea’s parting is no figment of history; mind force made the waters stand in the name of God, and the waters stood. Understand this, the God within you is no less, and no greater, than the God within the Prophets of old, for each of God’s begetting is of equal portion to one another. That is the law of perfection in Brotherhood, that one is not preferred unto the other. The Power of God(Good), in man, still has the very same dimension.

Why is it that the mind-force of man is so weak in comparison with the Ancients?

The Ancients, for the benefit and the perfection of the race of humanity, gave to your world forces and powers for the use and betterment and benefit of the whole race of human beings, not for individuals, or for individual nations, but for all. IN THE LUST FOR POWER, the greed for wealth was bred. As long before this, in this place, you have been told they were, and so the stature of man, of thinking man has shrunk, until were it not for the lamp which shines within.

It is with hope of rekindling the ancient love of Good in man, the hope of bringing understanding that when you love, in truth, your fellow men, or any other part of creation, then you worship the source, and stand as his ambassador. It is with this hope that we attempt to bring to the minds of man understanding, to penetrate the thickness of their misunderstandings, to tear away with love and understanding, and with patient explanation, that which shall be repeated until the very end of time if it is necessary, that you might do the purpose of Good, and bring to fruition the mighty purpose of this plan.

This little bit of knowledge is so simple in truth, that it must reach your understanding,t until you grasp and hold this fundamental truth, of what use to give to you more of wisdom?

May wisdom be drawn direct from the Mighty Mind-force that flows ever through you, as through all creation, may you understand your childishness, and at the same time the greatness that is your destiny. May you stretch forth your mind, your thoughts, to all of creation, not as though you do a task given unto you, but for the love of humanity, and all that it means, for to love, you must love the whole, and if you love not the whole then you love not in completeness.


Senuhret Ra

Lift up the hearts of these peoples, so that in the rising from their bodies, in their spiritual minds and hearts, they may be at one with thee. All thou who are their brothers, help them to greater understanding, take them by the hand, lead them in those pathways of light known to thee, let them see that which is in the mind of all creation and thou, who keep this world and all the spheres, take up their hearts within thy hands, and thou great God of all, let them feel the love of thy secret heart, let them be as little parts of that great love, let them feel peace, and in that peace let them be surrounded by love. Unto thee throughout all life and in all time they, as we, do dedicate ourselves to thy mighty mind.

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