
Astral Realms and Invisible Beings

Life has many forms. Life in the physical body and many forms of life which the physical eye does not see. The trouble with humanity is, we think our whole way of life from the little child. For when we are born into the physical body we have a gift of seeing the invisible and of hearing the invisible, but society says...........

“No you cannot hear that which we cannot hear, and you cannot see that which we cannot see."

So, the child gradually loses sight and hearing. Yet the earth is teeming with invisible things, invisible beings, and not only spiritual friends, but those beings who are attached to the earth, those who lie deeply in the earth, those who dwell with the trees and flowers, those who guide the migrating birds, those who guard the animals, all this life surrounds our earth planet, and beyond again are myriad of beings. Many have never dwelt upon the earth planet, but they are closely attached, and are working with and for humanity.

There have been complaints that those who come back, give a very poor description of the Spirit World. It is because the spheres where these beings dwell, in the upper places it is very nearly impossible, we have tried to relay Spirit from the Upper Places through this medium, but we are limited. It is very difficult when that kind of Spirit, that which is not form, that which is not like anything you have ever seen, that which is a light, swiftly moving through the spaces of the Upper Worlds, that which has a mind, can think and can convey thoughts, yet is formless.

When we try to convey the thoughts of those beings through the mind of a medium we lose, and lose again, the true context of the thought. If we bring those impersonal beings near to the earth planet and clothe them in a thought form, bringing them nearer and nearer to earth, then again we lose. We cannot convey the true purity of thought, but these beings are working; with you, through guides, through friends, through the intellect, through the mind, although we cannot bring them near.

There are also those who dwell on the outskirts, as it were, in the dark worlds, they too are formless, if you regard the physical body as form, but they have shape and they have the great ability of appearing; as they will. These too are working on the earth vibration where they can find entry.

Life out of the body in the invisible world can be witnessed, can be seen by the trained clairvoyant, from the minutest form of thinking life to the gigantic figures of power and of wisdom, and of love, those who rule this planet. To us it is a strange thing, that man in physical body, speaking generally, is entirely oblivious of this vast teeming spiritual life around him.

Today, according to the cycle of time, life in our world is coming to a climax.

Thoughts which were sent out thousands of years ago in strong form are teeming around certain countries to-day, full of activity and full of danger. I have told you many times that thought is a living force, and so it is. These venomous, evil things which are causing strife today have been broken up and scattered, and when you sit in meditation, I would like you to think of the enemy in thought, which is reducing certain countries to grave disorder, and visualize the breaking and smashing of these thought forms.

I feel that in the hearts of some of you, you are thinking

"Of what kind of world shall I pass into when I pass out of the body, if all these things are about?"

Be not afraid my beloved ones, you will not see the myriad of beings, you will only see that which you are intended to see, for God works in a mysterious way, and you are not allowed to see too much, you will see as you are ready, as you are prepared, as you desire, but at times we, who are out of the body, are given fleeting glimpses of the whole of this Earth and its environment, and we see the whole mass of living things, and it amazes us that man can be so unconscious of the spiritual beings that dwell within the earth. Beings that dwell within the green living things are entirely ignored, yet they are there, and they are friendly to man.

How many of you have walked out through the green meadows, and perhaps you have walked into the shady wood, you have walked under the arch of the branches of the trees?
You may have felt sick and ill at ease when you started your walk, but after a while you are at peace, your mind is eased, your body feels refreshed, that is not only because you walk where there are trees and birds, out in the open, it is because there are friendly spirits there, who reach out to you and give you the healing that comes from natural things. I would like you to remember this when you walk again, and it is so with growing things, the earth is a living spirit, tending and guarding that which grows upon it, and we would have you love the earth and the growing things.

How many times have you looked into the heart of a rose and you have thought
"I feel near to God when I look into this lovely flower." And so it is, a spirit dwells, a living spirit dwells within the heart of the flower, and all of this universe teems and is part of the one. I want to touch for a moment on the permanence of things, on the permanence of thought, of past actions, of past mysteries, in fact, of the whole that has happened. It still is alive and still is there for you to discover. Nothing is lost and for those who are working on the Egyptian vibration, who are anxious about modern times, who seek to discover the secrets of the past, I say to you that the door will be opened, quite unexpectedly, and gradually that which you desire will come to you.

There are beings. Beings who guard the mysteries, these beings have never worn physical bodies, they are full of understanding, and when the time is right the secret will be unveiled. When you discover secrets and veiled mysteries, you are often truly amazed, because you find that you passed it by and saw it not, because the guardians thought it was not time, but it will come and in the years ahead of us, I say ‘of us’ because I am attached to earth for a period of time, many of the mysteries will be unveiled to those who are ready, and to those who will use the knowledge for the well-being of humanity.

I would like you, in your searchings after truth, to skirt the astral plane and to endeavour to rise to the Upper Places, where you will find those ready to help you, those who will give you truth without distortion, for if you experience receiving information in the astral world you will be very fortunate if there is no distortion, especially at the present time, for the thought vibrations surrounding the earth planet are full of unrest, full of the elements of the antagonistic, full of all those who pass out of the body, not prepared in any way, and are, what you would consider, earth-bound.
So we say go to the Higher Places, that is one of the reasons why I have endeavoured to give you some idea of the spiritual activity which is beyond. Do not be afraid of conversing with the Light, for should you desire, the Light will be a lovely form, in any case the Light will convey that which you desire to know.

We are asked, “Have we seen the Master?” We say "No, we have only seen the light, yet that Light is full of power, is full of love, is full of conscious thought, and envelops your very being in the places beyond where spirit is formless, yet it is full of activity, that is where I would have you seek to discover that which you desire to know.
There is much distortion, at the present time with messages that come through the spirits, there is much confusion, but by your own will, your own desire, your own power, you may rise to meet those who will come to meet you. You rise as high as you possibly can, and they will descend there to blend their mentality with yours, so that you will be enriched, you will understand many things.

The Universe is a wonderful thing, full of marvels. Out of the body we attain a certain freedom, we travel, we have being, we see many things, and it is un-ending vistas of wonder, of beauty and of work, of service to the Great Father and to his children, and now my beloved ones, I will leave you.

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