
What you are about to read could change your life forever.

The Abydos Teachings are channeled messages originating from higher forms of consciousness. Words woven together so eloquently, spoken through a deep trance medium's distorted voice, and then recorded by a scribe on a typewriter.

They cover a diverse range of subjects such as; physics, universal laws, invisible beings, love and fear, to name but a few. They explain in great detail about the creative source, about who, and what, we actually are.

They are 100% genuine.

The Teachings contain very important information about universal laws of love, respect, emapthy, forgiveness, unity, compassion, peace, karma, the power of thought, and about the cyclical nature of our universe.

We are living in extra-ordinary times..........

Our Universe, our Solar system, our Earth, each and every human being living on this planet at this time, is moving through a powerful transitional process. We are experiencing higher vibrational frequencies which are feminine in nature.

This is occuring because our solar system is now aligning with certain areas in the Universe (Every planet in our solar system is displaying symptoms of this phenomenon). They have returned to our planet due to the cyclical nature of our universe.

These returning energies are the driving force behind the quantum leap in the evolution of consciousness happening on this planet right now.

These times represent an opening for evolution and change.

We have reached a point in a great cycle where everyone is asked to look at things that are no longer needed and to let them go. We are in the chrysalis stage, representing a cycle of transmutation. These times bring the realization that some core element of our identity is ending and at times this process will be difficult and uncomfortable for many.

I hope reading these profound messages may bring comfort and hope to anyone who might be confused, or is struggling to understand what is happening in their lives as we go through these changes.

Just remember, we chose to be here at this time and there is no turning back. The caterpillar enters the chrysalis stage without sight, not able to see anything but light and dark, slowly manifesting into something else.

It's not rocket science.......

Do as the caterpillar does, and look for the light........

We all know wrong from right and the difference between good and evil. What people are not aware of, is the scientifically proven fact, that we're all connected to a unified field of concsiousness.

This is all part of the "Great separation swindle!"

Belief systems are so heavily engrained into peoples minds through continual media manipualtion. The three M program is working a treat (Money-Media-Military) This focusses on separation from one another and acts as the veil around the mind.

Together we will rise up and not leave a single one behind, for we are the atoms that form our universe.

To hurt another is but to inflict pain on one-self.......

Many people are feeling a deep disconnection from what they have known to be true. We are walking into uncharted territory, soon enough we will find that the current energies are providing a great deal of support to fully let go of whatever is in our way.

Deep inner knowing, that things ain't quite right on our beautiful planet Earth, is now dominating the mindforce of millions all over the globe.

Until this point in my life, The Teachings have only been exposed to a limited number of people including Family and close friends. It is a fascinating reality that each of the people who've been introduced to The Teachings have seen their lives transformed for the better.

They give a greater understanding on many truths that have been hidden from humanity by "grey men" who have hijacked our planet in the name of greed, and who are driven by the lust for power. Regardless of how many people suffer in the wake of their relentless quest.

I need to give you some background information on the Abydos Teachings.

What are they?

Where did they come from?

Whose teachings are they?

They were received during a series of channeling sessions that took place in the South of England in the 1940s, including war time, and some through into the 50s. They have been channeled, through my Great Grand Father.

He had served his country in the first world war. He was a man who did not have the capacity, the will, the motivation, the inclination, or the interest in becoming involved in channeling or anything of that nature.

All that changed when a friend of his talked him into going to a spiritual church. His inquisitive nature got the better of him, and, I guess his intuition took over. The spiritualist leader at the church was drawn to my Great Grand Father, Phillip. She told him that he had an ability - an ability that she suggested should be developed.

Now, this was back in the 40's, in war time London, England. Tension was high all over the world, fear was prevalent throughout our whole society. Fear of death, fear of ridicule, fear of fear itself. Regardless, Phillip felt compelled to take heed of these words, and he began, with much trepadation, developing the ability to channel...............

50 Years later.....

When I was around the age of 16, my father would occasionally read passages from these transcipts to my sisters and I, although at that time they were too deep for us to understand, anyway, I was more interested in partying with my friends, going to clubs and chasing girls. Though, for reasons I now understand, I always kept them in my bedroom in my bedside cabinet

My understanding of the messages contained in these documents became clearer as I grew older, and as I experienced more life, on this planet we call Earth - In my family, we call the transcripts "The Teachings".

Words spoken through Phillip's voice, and recorded by the scribe, who was usually my Nan.

After a number of extremely synchronistic events, and other bizarre personal experiences that took place in my life. Including my best friend manifesting, after his death, in my bedroom, appearing to me like I am able to see people every day in my normal life. I spoke to him. I have experienced many things like this during my existence here on this Earth.

Here is a passage from them channelled from an entity known as Senuhret Ra:

Understand it this way; each part of humanity holds within it a part of the mind force of God. This you have been told many times, but now is the time you must each understand the true significance of that spark of light.

Out of the Mind of God came all, and the Mind of God is in all. This etheric force is omni-present in trees, and birds and beasts, they obey the mainstream of creation, and the divine mind causes them to grow and multiply within the group intelligence, which created all.

You were created in his likeness, that the angels had not your mighty purpose, although their order is high, their beauty and perfection unsullied, yet they have not within their powers individual creation which you have. So imagine this mighty stream of power, emanating from the Source, going out and returning from whence it came, continuously moving, weaving, and creating. Supporting that which it has created.

The Children of this Earth - in as much as having creative force, mostly hinder, the powerful stream of creative Goodness that flows through everything.It will be understood by all, you can understand, that for the whole to be complete, all of its units must combine, and if one little atom is missing, then the whole is not perfect in symmetry.

The Mind Force, the creative mind flows on and on, in animals, birds, fishes, the earth, in the sky, stars, moons, and planets, all the mighty creative force obeys. That is the mainstream of creation.

The finer, more infinite stream, that which was in the first, and in the last. That which conceived all these wonders, reposes, in part, in each small atom of humanity.

Its perfection can never be complete without the mind-force of each of its atoms turning back to perfection, so that the mind-force of individual man can join the flood of creative mind, and so fulfil the divine purpose of existence.

Our duty is to perfect this world, part of all creation, by the use of that constructive creative mind force, which has been given unto you, the power of which you were told. If small numbers of people realised, in the fullness of its meaning, that you are of the Mind of God and can use his constructive, creative mind, you could build a temple here, visible to your own eyes, out of atoms of thought alone.

Have love for Mother Earth, and for eachother.

Treat them both with respect and compassion.

Dispel negative emotions from your life and reap the rewards.....

In Lak'ech

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