
Quantum Leap in Collective Consciousness Approaches?

From this, our 3D reality as we know it now, through the 4th Dimension which is time, and eventually passing into the 5th Dimension, beyond money and time. A place where fear based concepts are totally dissolved?

The next few years will emphasize the importance of people understanding the process of controlling their thoughts, and putting together the shattered pieces of consciousness, so the planet can advance for the betterment of us all.

Time is closing in on the culmination of events which will catapult us forward into a new reality.

Working together, Mother Earth and humanity will make this happen.

It is a cosmic clock that does not stop ticking.

We are now living in a time when humanity's true powers are surfacing.

We are not here to follow the path that came before us, we are here to become it........


Origins of Evil

What is evil? What is good?

How does it affect us?

The creative mind-force of the source flows on unendingly, and according to the thoughts of your mind, so it is you use it. It is said by people many times, that if God made all things, he must have made those things that are evil as well as those that are good. This is of course wrong, but you must have understanding of the truth, full understanding.

The creative force, that which you call God, sends forth continuous power, power to create. Of all created things, the human race, and us who have passed this way, may create, because we are from the source. The force to create is there, continually flowing, unceasing, the mind-force of God, creative.

Where it is untapped and unused by man, the creation is beautiful, all things are according to the law, and the law as you know is the support by each individual part for the whole; but where humanity contacts this great force it turns it into its own demi-creation, and so if your minds think along the path of evil, evil will be created.

Evil therefore, is an attribute of humanity. Near earth, myriads of beings who have passed this way, and have not known the truth, dwell within the laws they have made for themselves, dark, horrible, not knowing the Light, and as you on earth send out your thoughts, those that are in error, or evil, help to make more dense the blackness in which they dwell.

You have been told many laws, one in particular, the law that like will attract like. You know that in this human world it is so, but your minds, these are the real you, and as you give forth your thoughts, they absorb of the Mind-force, the creative Mind-Force, and create good or evil.

When you think evil you pile error on error.

Yet, millions of people live on Earth, unaware of this one fundamental universal law, and through not having this knowledge, send out thoughts of materialism, aggression, love of possession, envy, malice and hatred.

Until people of this earth learn how to control the mind, we will continue to do this. So it must be obvious that with all the uninstructed millions, much evil, as you call it, goes out from your world to make denser the darkness about your world.

How did this evil start?

Through the original geed of man, not greed of material things, greed of power, power to do more than create in miniature, greed of power to out-countenance God himself.

This is the true meaning of the story of the fall. Today, even amongst those people who listen to the words coming to your world, and there are many of them, even among these I say, are those who seek knowledge, wisdom and power, that they might proclaim themselves above, by their knowledge to do this or that, to set themselves beyond their fellows, forgetting the Great Law of Service.

Evil was born by the greed for power, from this has grown all-evil.

In this place you have been told how fear originated. Materialism was born of the greed for power. All was born of the same greed, and it is evil.

Whether you realise it or whether you do not, the key which will unlock all has been given to you. All that is within the compass of mankind to use without destroying himself. The key will be used according to your understanding. You must discard from your minds the excuse that as it appears to you, so it should be, but strive to understand within your hearts clearly, without any difference of understanding, that each time you think, you work for Good, or against Good.

There is a clear statement of fact, each time you think you work for or against Good. Then include within Good all mankind, as well as the rest of his creation. This is what I mean when I say understand in your hearts, all equally, all the same.

Evil then is greed for any power, all-evil, all was born through the distortion by mankind, of the creative thought force of God, all evil. Among the things that walk and crawl and fly upon your world there are many that have, you would say evil purpose. It is true let us examine them.

The snake, the one with venom, how does he become to be venomous?

Amongst animals of his own class and size, those upon whom he sustains his body, he has no need of venom. He is born according to his dwelling, that which hides him from those who would prey upon him.

You must understand thought. Thought creates. Into the mainstream of creation is injected the venom of the thoughts of man. I told you that here in this place by thought, power for thought, thought brought into direct contact with the great creative stream, you could build what you would, solid, out of thought alone. You have been shown how this can be done, by thinking, by creating Light, and out of light building matter.

When you build evil and use the dark rays you give power to all things that dwell in the darkness and breed venom.

The first venomous snakes were deliberately created by breeding, when man knew how to use force for good or ill. Pestilence, plague, all of these are created in the first place by the breeding in filth, through error. Because mankind pollutes, he breeds pestilence, because he obeys not the law, he creates disease.

In olden times you have read about the worship of the Phallic, in its inception, this religion of the male and female principle was more abundant in purity than your understanding can imagine. The principle of the phallic worship was that as the male principle was absorbed and covered by the female principle, it signified to its highest degree, the blending of each part into one.

For upon your world today, and when you think of what you call ‘sex’, mostly it is nauseating to you. It has become the cause of laughter, and yet this is the principle of divinity, the welding together of two separate parts in the purpose of God. So, the misuse of the law brought to your world all those most vile diseases to which your bodies are heirs. You cannot break the principles, the laws, the immutable will of God, unless you destroy yourselves.

From time immemorial the lewd, low thoughts of men have dwelt upon the most sacred of mankind's abilities, perverted the use of their organs, made them the subject of low jests, and in each action, thought, or word, have used their own mind force to direct the action, thought, or word.

You know, or should appreciate after your teachings, that they took the creative force through their own minds and instead of transmitting light to fashion and create, they transmitted darkness to destroy.

Look at our rotting world today. The answer is in our thoughts, the answer is in the thoughts of those who have gone before you, and this is why, to a few, yes, even unto one, if that one will believe we must give power. That positive thought can help to redress the balance. It can help to raise mankind into thought Light.

All things were conceived in perfection. All things obey the Law; each part of creation did its uttermost to support the rest. Mankind disturbed the balance. You can help to restore the balance.

Unless soon, the force of Light is turned into the minds of men and the blackness of error is driven out by the light, unless soon, it will be chaos. Each of you could of your own thinking become a great ray of Light, intense, powerful, willing the Mighty force of Good to once again illuminate all, to drive away the darkness, and to bring back to your world the Law of Good. You have seen and understood how evil came. You live your lives much protected by the knowledge you have acquired, in a fashion you do partial good, because there are occasions when you sit with thoughts, utterly selfless thoughts.

It is that our world has been created so full of evil?

Direct thoughts of error in antagonism to the God-Mind. This is the fable of Satan, the snake in the Garden of Eden. It was the greed of man for power and knowledge, so he could feel beyond his own world. It is obvious that as the Mind of the creator could only see that which was good, for God is Good, that many things were built, and they were things created by the thought force of the mind of God, being utilized by the great minds of those men of early times, and your stories in so many of your religions of this world, which tell of the fight between God and the devil are symbolic of this.

When mankind builds using pure and holy thoughts, then his creation is good, and will always remain, for it was with this purpose that God created mankind. All need to build and further the work of God, by utilizing the mind force of Good, to build glory upon glory, beauty upon beauty, perfection out of perfection.

You have been told many times that God can only see that which is perfect, this is true. To God evil and error do not exist, for he cannot see, will not see, that which is not perfection. To build that which God will not see, man must use dark rays, for all that is in the Light must be of God, and all that is dark must be built against the Laws of God, and so evil was born in your world - when mankind tried to build as God - in pursuit of greed and power.

Generations of beings of this world have built, and built in error, and once they were used, the forces grew with each fresh error committed in this world, until today. If it were not for the world itself, giving off the Light of Good, the creative light, all would be invisible to the mind of God, but you must remember this -

In the first place it was the few who tried to build, always we must return to this. As the Great Master taught you, in all your religions it was commenced by one, and perhaps a handful of followers, and so evil came from one and a few, and to bring back the Light of sanity and reason, and the dawn of God to mankind, the few must be responsible.

Whether you, my beloved Brothers and Sisters, whether it is you or others like you, who shall earn the right to wield the power which shall be given to you, depends upon your own hearts. If one of you alone can be worthy to raise his or her mind to the realms of purity and truth, to contact, because of your purity of desire, the uttermost power of God, if one of you can do this, regeneration shall be born within your earth.

The methods you must employ are difficult and dangerous. You will not be beloved by your friends, those who still can only see along the dark rays, and to whom the Light is hidden. You will be mocked and crucified many times, and this too, that in the end you will give up, of your own free will, material things, devoting yourselves only to the work of God (Good).

I do not ask you to give up your material lives, no, I ask you only in your hearts, in sincerity and truth, in love and understanding, to read, and read again the words which have been given to you, to absorb within your hearts the truth of those words, and then try to follow those words to their ultimate conclusion. Not I, not one who comes to speak with you, not God, or the power of God shall ask you to relinquish one of your ways, none of your ways, all we ask you to do is to know this truth within your hearts, and when I said to you that in the end you will abhor material things, it will be because your own hearts have told you the path you must take.

Evil we have dealt with in most of its aspects, sufficient enough to know that all evil was not created by God, and that although God created the power from which evil has been created, the power was created for the building of creation and beauty, not for the use to which mankind has put it, but as always there is another side, and that is good.

In your world to-day there are millions of people, of which you are an example, who strive, and it does not matter how vainly at times, for many times they do succeed, striving day after day, year after year, all their lives to send out the help of love and understanding to your fellow men. Help that is given to the aged one, the sympathy and understanding to the little child, the hand that is always stretched forth to one who fell in evil and error, into degradation, or acts of evil.

The eternal forgiveness flowing through you, not uninterruptedly I am afraid, but forever in spasmodic waves, this is all good, it is from this we who know how to use and wield Light, the Light of God that is maintaining your world, and this is all good; but if you examine, each of you, your lives, you find that little material thoughts, and the little thoughts of bad, so much predominate in your daily lives, even the thought of excuse in your minds, excuse of some action, or the thought that tries to hide the action from yourself, all this uses a little of the dark ray, but the thought which says you were wrong, this was bad, you must make recompense, these are Light, these and all good thoughts are what we build with.

When evil is on your world, and when the pressure of unbelief is amongst the peoples of the world, you will see no fair harvest, food will be short. Famine, plague, pestilence, suppression and cruelty, will always rule your world when the thoughts of the children of earth turn away from the purity of thinking in the way of good, you have your own history to tell you these things, but it is our wish that in all things that happen from day to day you shall see and understand the moving of that dark ray, and then understanding the evil things of darkness, you turn your thoughts of light and love in that direction, not uninstructed, but using the full knowledge of the keys which have already been given to you, and more will be given.

Those beings and entities and forces, which are beyond your understanding, work with and for you. We love you. For at times you feel we are there to help you. In your error we love you, and in your goodness you bring light such as you do not understand, from which is fashioned power again to return to your world, creative power to give you good crops, to bring peace to your world, to rebuild your world, that the things of earth may supply the needs of man, and that without these thoughts there would be no crops, no food, nothing.

Do not imagine for a moment that you are the only one asked to take on this task, do not imagine for one moment that all the millions and millions of people who, perhaps once in a day use good in thoughts, are the only ones, from one good thought from each mind, we can revive our world.

The things you have been told make you understand how we use these thoughts, and so we build in matter out of your Light, that which does keep your world, and all that dwells within it, so that you know when things are happy with your world, and crops are good, and peace is in your world, it is because the hearts of men have turned to Good, and when there is darkness and failing crops, it is because so many are using dark thoughts which can only destroy that which in life we build.

We love you for your works of good; you are glorified for it, as we have told you, when you work with goodness upon your world you act as God, you are God. Feel our love in this passing time of yours. Peace be with you always, call upon us, ask of us for any inspiration and truth to help you in your work and we will reply, but I beg of you, do not fail your world, do not fail yourselves.

Astral Realms and Invisible Beings

Life has many forms. Life in the physical body and many forms of life which the physical eye does not see. The trouble with humanity is, we think our whole way of life from the little child. For when we are born into the physical body we have a gift of seeing the invisible and of hearing the invisible, but society says...........

“No you cannot hear that which we cannot hear, and you cannot see that which we cannot see."

So, the child gradually loses sight and hearing. Yet the earth is teeming with invisible things, invisible beings, and not only spiritual friends, but those beings who are attached to the earth, those who lie deeply in the earth, those who dwell with the trees and flowers, those who guide the migrating birds, those who guard the animals, all this life surrounds our earth planet, and beyond again are myriad of beings. Many have never dwelt upon the earth planet, but they are closely attached, and are working with and for humanity.

There have been complaints that those who come back, give a very poor description of the Spirit World. It is because the spheres where these beings dwell, in the upper places it is very nearly impossible, we have tried to relay Spirit from the Upper Places through this medium, but we are limited. It is very difficult when that kind of Spirit, that which is not form, that which is not like anything you have ever seen, that which is a light, swiftly moving through the spaces of the Upper Worlds, that which has a mind, can think and can convey thoughts, yet is formless.

When we try to convey the thoughts of those beings through the mind of a medium we lose, and lose again, the true context of the thought. If we bring those impersonal beings near to the earth planet and clothe them in a thought form, bringing them nearer and nearer to earth, then again we lose. We cannot convey the true purity of thought, but these beings are working; with you, through guides, through friends, through the intellect, through the mind, although we cannot bring them near.

There are also those who dwell on the outskirts, as it were, in the dark worlds, they too are formless, if you regard the physical body as form, but they have shape and they have the great ability of appearing; as they will. These too are working on the earth vibration where they can find entry.

Life out of the body in the invisible world can be witnessed, can be seen by the trained clairvoyant, from the minutest form of thinking life to the gigantic figures of power and of wisdom, and of love, those who rule this planet. To us it is a strange thing, that man in physical body, speaking generally, is entirely oblivious of this vast teeming spiritual life around him.

Today, according to the cycle of time, life in our world is coming to a climax.

Thoughts which were sent out thousands of years ago in strong form are teeming around certain countries to-day, full of activity and full of danger. I have told you many times that thought is a living force, and so it is. These venomous, evil things which are causing strife today have been broken up and scattered, and when you sit in meditation, I would like you to think of the enemy in thought, which is reducing certain countries to grave disorder, and visualize the breaking and smashing of these thought forms.

I feel that in the hearts of some of you, you are thinking

"Of what kind of world shall I pass into when I pass out of the body, if all these things are about?"

Be not afraid my beloved ones, you will not see the myriad of beings, you will only see that which you are intended to see, for God works in a mysterious way, and you are not allowed to see too much, you will see as you are ready, as you are prepared, as you desire, but at times we, who are out of the body, are given fleeting glimpses of the whole of this Earth and its environment, and we see the whole mass of living things, and it amazes us that man can be so unconscious of the spiritual beings that dwell within the earth. Beings that dwell within the green living things are entirely ignored, yet they are there, and they are friendly to man.

How many of you have walked out through the green meadows, and perhaps you have walked into the shady wood, you have walked under the arch of the branches of the trees?
You may have felt sick and ill at ease when you started your walk, but after a while you are at peace, your mind is eased, your body feels refreshed, that is not only because you walk where there are trees and birds, out in the open, it is because there are friendly spirits there, who reach out to you and give you the healing that comes from natural things. I would like you to remember this when you walk again, and it is so with growing things, the earth is a living spirit, tending and guarding that which grows upon it, and we would have you love the earth and the growing things.

How many times have you looked into the heart of a rose and you have thought
"I feel near to God when I look into this lovely flower." And so it is, a spirit dwells, a living spirit dwells within the heart of the flower, and all of this universe teems and is part of the one. I want to touch for a moment on the permanence of things, on the permanence of thought, of past actions, of past mysteries, in fact, of the whole that has happened. It still is alive and still is there for you to discover. Nothing is lost and for those who are working on the Egyptian vibration, who are anxious about modern times, who seek to discover the secrets of the past, I say to you that the door will be opened, quite unexpectedly, and gradually that which you desire will come to you.

There are beings. Beings who guard the mysteries, these beings have never worn physical bodies, they are full of understanding, and when the time is right the secret will be unveiled. When you discover secrets and veiled mysteries, you are often truly amazed, because you find that you passed it by and saw it not, because the guardians thought it was not time, but it will come and in the years ahead of us, I say ‘of us’ because I am attached to earth for a period of time, many of the mysteries will be unveiled to those who are ready, and to those who will use the knowledge for the well-being of humanity.

I would like you, in your searchings after truth, to skirt the astral plane and to endeavour to rise to the Upper Places, where you will find those ready to help you, those who will give you truth without distortion, for if you experience receiving information in the astral world you will be very fortunate if there is no distortion, especially at the present time, for the thought vibrations surrounding the earth planet are full of unrest, full of the elements of the antagonistic, full of all those who pass out of the body, not prepared in any way, and are, what you would consider, earth-bound.
So we say go to the Higher Places, that is one of the reasons why I have endeavoured to give you some idea of the spiritual activity which is beyond. Do not be afraid of conversing with the Light, for should you desire, the Light will be a lovely form, in any case the Light will convey that which you desire to know.

We are asked, “Have we seen the Master?” We say "No, we have only seen the light, yet that Light is full of power, is full of love, is full of conscious thought, and envelops your very being in the places beyond where spirit is formless, yet it is full of activity, that is where I would have you seek to discover that which you desire to know.
There is much distortion, at the present time with messages that come through the spirits, there is much confusion, but by your own will, your own desire, your own power, you may rise to meet those who will come to meet you. You rise as high as you possibly can, and they will descend there to blend their mentality with yours, so that you will be enriched, you will understand many things.

The Universe is a wonderful thing, full of marvels. Out of the body we attain a certain freedom, we travel, we have being, we see many things, and it is un-ending vistas of wonder, of beauty and of work, of service to the Great Father and to his children, and now my beloved ones, I will leave you.

Habits and Materialism

What do you understand of habits? What meaning has the word 'habit' for you?

Habits can be nothing, neither good nor bad, excepting in the pure abstract, for habits, and it is amazing how we use words. Habits signify things we wear, clothes we put on ourselves, ways which we take unto ourselves, which give to us a force, a blend, in character and appearance. Habits, are but clothing of our thoughts.

Let us take good habits and bad habits, and see how they differ.

A good habit is what?

A good habit is one that clothes us with a semblance of decency, or, if using the word in its abstract meaning, one that makes us appear to our own mind, and to the minds which we influence, as possessing habits of good meaning and intention, and a bad habit is never seen by ourselves in its fullness.

Your bad habits are seen by friends, by those in contact with you, and by those whose thoughts create further bad habits in you, because they do not like you.

Bad or good habits are but rags of clothing for the mind, but like clothing they have a use. What is the use of clothing?

Because mankind in his physical perfection has degenerated, he must cover his shivering body with clothes, and women cover their bodies not because they should, but to comfort their minds, because if you gave to a modern woman, a plain homespun piece of woollen cloth in which to robe herself, she would feel cold, but if you gave to her something flimsy and thin, with pretty colours and becoming shape, she would be warm.

Habits are the same things, whether they are body clothing or mind clothing.

Let us examine the common habits of man and woman. It is the common habit of women, I will leave you to form your own opinions as to its goodness, or otherwise, to spend a considerable part of their time discussing the affairs of other people. This is habit, because the habit has become a fixation in the mind of female peoples, it has come to be expected as an attribute of womanhood, but this is truly false, a false habit. Something the mind of a woman wears, in which, she finds license, because she is woman her mind seeks. It takes part in affairs which are no concern of hers. There are habits which are much worse than this.

Men have many habits, which in the eyes of women are vile. It is no secret to women, of the habit of men, to admire symmetry of form in the female, and if eyes strip the clothing from the body of a woman, so that in thought, the man creates the vision of the nude, it is excused for it is a habit.

There are other things which we call habits. We may smoke, this according to whether you are a smoker, or a non-smoker, is a good or bad habit. It is not a habit. It creates habit if uncontrolled, but is not a habit. What is it then? It is a seeking to escape the mind. It is a drug purposely and wilfully injected into our bodies, whereby our finite brains, which communicate with our finite minds, might be drugged to the outward emotions of the world, and our sensitiveness to the mind force of creation might be stilled as much as possible.

This is not a habit, this is viciousness unto yourselves and the purpose of my talk is to differentiate between habits, which are mere clothing to satisfy your vanities, clothing for your mind to excuse the things it does, and those things you call habits which are harmful to your minds.

The whole purpose of my coming to you is to make you understand if it is reasonably possible, how to use, for good, the powers of your own mind. If your mind adopts habits, or customs, which blunt the perception of your faculties, do you need me to tell you that you are unfaithful to yourself?

The habit or custom which interferes with the correct usage of the power of thought is a betrayal of yourself. As you know, we do not even ask you to give up your habits, whether you call them good, bad, harmful or harmless. We endeavour -to show you reason and truth, and to show you how the truth and reason, if you would be perfect, must be applied.

Now for material things

The greatest snare and delusion known to our world is material.

All things are possible to you. These words as they fall upon the ears of each of you, will pass through the channel of your finite mind, and as they pass the materialness within that mind, they will measure them in terms, each one different from the other.

According to one's understanding, to throw off that finite filter, which is your personal possession, and absorb within your hearts, yes, within your hearts, for there you are all equal, there you own no material, there you have no custom, there you are free from habits, there, and only there, can you each understand the truth which has been given to you.

Material things

The greatest burden that the soul of man can bear is the possession of wealth. There is not one man, woman, or being that has been Godlike and perfect in conception, not one being who has used the mighty forces of the God-mind in the proper way, who has possessed great wealth.

Look at our burden. Mankind, according to his mind, must be possessed of material things, and the angels weep. It chains him forever to the treadmill of wealth and materialism, seeking for possession upon possession, forgotten and lost the power to build with his own mind.

The desire for the possession of material things rots the soul of man, because it is unnatural and foreign to his mind. If you are pure in the conception of your thoughts, what place can materialism find? For if you were perfect in conception in your minds, the understanding of your ability to serve continuously, by creating for others peace and beauty would so fill your mind, that the futility of materialism would fly from you.

If you love the whole of creation in its entirety – man, woman, beast, trees, flowers, stars, moon, all of creation, and desire in your hearts, faithfully, to serve the purpose of Good, and that purpose hidden from you is the eventual reward of man. If you love all mankind, and all Created things. How could you love materialism?

Out of the detail which has already been given to you, and in these next three weeks following, will be given to you, if your God-minds are awake then many questions will arise. The depth of your question will show the progress made. It will show the desire within your own hearts to know God and to fulfil the task you have. In three weeks you will have knowledge given to a few, given only to you because of the urgency and the need for you, Children of Light, to keep the light filling your earth. The reason for this is in the teachings I have given; you will find the light comes from the power of thought, God-thought.

The force of the Mind of God is power, and if that force is used in good, it can create light, and from that Light can be constructed good. The power is there for all minds, and the forces of error are drawing deep, and they neither weave light nor build matter, for the dark ray destroys only.

Man’s folly has released this force, in every corner of your world the forces of darkness are on the march. Search out the last fifty years in your own country and see how the forces of error have taken hold of you. The climax is coming rapidly.

The black ray can only destroy, and this is not symbolic. I do not deal in symbols. Visions and such things are for the children and the low initiated. All of you have not clear understanding, but all of you I hope will understand by the end of your lectures. I deal with facts.

The forces of error can only destroy. The forces of light only can build.

If you read that which has been written in past weeks, you will see how I have built up this picture for you. How light creates matter, and how the mind force of God supports the whole of his creation, and the mind force of God gives off light, but if light is turned to darkness what then? What is to replace the atoms which disintegrate, what is to form your atoms, what is to replenish the gases you breathe?

This is strong meat for your stomachs, but where you can convince one out of six, or one out of a hundred, where one alone will take up the cause of his brother man, and with love and compassion fight to keep the light on earth, if but one alone does this we shall succeed.

That if one succeeds in holding the light in truth, knowledge and understanding, and the others will refrain from feeling downcast, even if in themselves they fail, the purpose of God will be served.

If two hold the light then, of course, the magnitude of success is doubled.

If three it is trebled, if four quadrupled, and if all hold the light, then indeed we shall see miracles.

But it is only in your hearts that you, yourselves, will know, and because here we must give you truth, as the Master said. He wished you to ask questions, and he would measure your desires by the requests and answers.

The measure of your success is the truth in your hearts.

Out of the Mind of God came all

I endeavour to give to you some understanding of the power of thought. It is in the record of things that have been given unto you here, that you have been told you must leave thoughts of material things outside of the sanctuary when you come to sit. The power of thought must be understood, to act in all things. Each thought of yours attracts force, and if the force attracted is for material things or for thoughts of material things, it has a force of its own, and detracts from the harmony of spirituality, which it is desired to maintain.

We have dealt with the power of thought at some length. It is that I wish, as soon as possible, that you should all read and study the words, which have been given to you. Into your minds must come this understanding, for without this understanding, the truth and wisdom, the powers that have force, and form, which you are to use, without the proper understanding of thought, there is danger of mis-application of force and power.

In the last weeks I have given unto you that, which if understood, can show you the path of your thoughts, the path which they must take to avail themselves, so that this force may be given outwards, for the benefit of the whole.

Here your minds are finite, they are gateways to your world. If mankind, and all that is meant by that word, is to come to that heritage of beauty, which was God’s desire, then the gateways must be used. There are many ancient sayings in books dealing with gateways, and always the meaning in the hidden words is the gateway of your human minds opening to give forth the power of God, through you, and others like you. How do you do this?

First, you must dedicate yourselves within your hearts to Good, and realise that your portion in the work is to bring to perfection this creation. First you must call to the source within, this is difficult unless you control your physical body by concentrating lightly, not over intensely, lightly upon something of beauty. Hold your attention lightly, but exclusively on some thought of beauty in your mind. Control, within reason, your breathing, when you feel utter calmness within yourself, dedicate yourself simply, and in thought, not even framing words in your mind, but lovingly and willingly, and in humility, slipping, as it were, into deep reverence for the Mighty Central Force of the Soul of Source. This is but the opening of the door.

Why do you seek God? The answer is you must do if you are to reach that state of high attainment, that which you should desire; the answer must be "Let thy will, not mine, be done among men". So, co-joining with that, I say there must be adoration for God's creation, and God's creation embraces all. So into your mind let slip that part of creation known to you - the sun, the moon, the stars, your own earth, the beauty of the trees and the flowers, the animals and the birds, and because it is God's creation, adore it.

Lastly into your mind bring in adoration and in love, that most wondrous of God's creations, the mind enshrined within the bodies of Human beings. The power to reason and to create, the Mind Force of God within a rotting vessel. So you can see how to approach unto the point where you can direct the God-Force to mankind in all its states, which you must, as pure Children of God, adore in all its moods.

Understand it this way; each part of humanity holds within it a part of the mind force of God. This you have been told many times, but now is the time you must each understand the true significance of that spark of light. Out of the Mind of God came all, and the Mind of God is in all, in trees and birds and beasts, they obey the mainstream of creation, and the divine mind causes them to grow and multiply within the group intelligence, which created all. You were created in his likeness, that the angels had not your mighty purpose, although their order is high, their beauty and perfection unsullied, yet they have not within their powers individual creation, which you have.

So imagine this mighty stream of power, emanating from the Source, going out and returning from whence it came, continuously moving, weaving, and creating. Supporting that which it has created. The Children of this Earth - in as much as having creative force, mostly hinder, the powerful stream of creative Goodness that flows through everything.

It will be understood by all, you can understand, that for the whole to be complete, all of its units must combine, and if one little atom is missing, and then the whole is not perfect in symmetry.

The Mind Force, the creative mind flows on and on, in animals, birds, fishes, the earth, in the sky, stars, moons, and planets, all the mighty creative force obeys. That is the mainstream of creation. The finer, more infinite stream, that which was in the first, and in the last. That which conceived all these wonders, reposes, in part, in each small atom of humanity. Its perfection can never be complete without the mind-force of each of its atoms turning back to perfection, so that the mind-force of individual man can join the flood of creative mind, and so fulfil the divine purpose of existence.

Our duty is to perfect this world, part of all creation, by the use of that constructive creative mind force, which has been given unto you, the power of which you were told. If small numbers of people realised, in the fullness of its meaning, that you are of the Mind of God and can use his constructive, creative mind, you could build a temple here, visible to your own eyes, out of atoms of thought alone.

Mankind once could lift by thought alone, mighty pinnacles of rock. The story of the Red Sea’s parting is no figment of history; mind force made the waters stand in the name of God, and the waters stood. Understand this, the God within you is no less, and no greater, than the God within the Prophets of old, for each of God’s begetting is of equal portion to one another. That is the law of perfection in Brotherhood, that one is not preferred unto the other. The Power of God(Good), in man, still has the very same dimension.

Why is it that the mind-force of man is so weak in comparison with the Ancients?

The Ancients, for the benefit and the perfection of the race of humanity, gave to your world forces and powers for the use and betterment and benefit of the whole race of human beings, not for individuals, or for individual nations, but for all. IN THE LUST FOR POWER, the greed for wealth was bred. As long before this, in this place, you have been told they were, and so the stature of man, of thinking man has shrunk, until were it not for the lamp which shines within.

It is with hope of rekindling the ancient love of Good in man, the hope of bringing understanding that when you love, in truth, your fellow men, or any other part of creation, then you worship the source, and stand as his ambassador. It is with this hope that we attempt to bring to the minds of man understanding, to penetrate the thickness of their misunderstandings, to tear away with love and understanding, and with patient explanation, that which shall be repeated until the very end of time if it is necessary, that you might do the purpose of Good, and bring to fruition the mighty purpose of this plan.

This little bit of knowledge is so simple in truth, that it must reach your understanding,t until you grasp and hold this fundamental truth, of what use to give to you more of wisdom?

May wisdom be drawn direct from the Mighty Mind-force that flows ever through you, as through all creation, may you understand your childishness, and at the same time the greatness that is your destiny. May you stretch forth your mind, your thoughts, to all of creation, not as though you do a task given unto you, but for the love of humanity, and all that it means, for to love, you must love the whole, and if you love not the whole then you love not in completeness.


Senuhret Ra

Lift up the hearts of these peoples, so that in the rising from their bodies, in their spiritual minds and hearts, they may be at one with thee. All thou who are their brothers, help them to greater understanding, take them by the hand, lead them in those pathways of light known to thee, let them see that which is in the mind of all creation and thou, who keep this world and all the spheres, take up their hearts within thy hands, and thou great God of all, let them feel the love of thy secret heart, let them be as little parts of that great love, let them feel peace, and in that peace let them be surrounded by love. Unto thee throughout all life and in all time they, as we, do dedicate ourselves to thy mighty mind.

Religions and the Age of Aquarius

1. Our world was made by the thought of god

2. Thought, the thought of god was a mighty vibration, out of this thought was born light.

3. Light, out of Light was born all matter. This is the first great fundamental truth of our world.

4. Thought of human beings, because they use the mighty thought force out of the mind of god, which permeates and keeps all things, thoughts of human beings have vibration.

Vibrations we have seen can create, because the beginnings and the endings are always part of the one, what creates can destroy. Therefore, thoughts of human beings, having vibrations, must (where there is knowledge) be controlled as to direction.

Science can prove that our thoughts have strong vibrations; thought can be measured in intensity, breadth and depth.

Science can prove that emanating from the human mind, when active, comes ever varying colour force, created as was light, by the use of mind vibration, which created Light, and that which our psychics call 'aura' has such dimensions that its magnitude can be measured, not only in terms of Light and colour, but in terms of force.

This force, through humanity, can be projected from the human body by the power of thought, and that vibration creates. We are using in thoughts the greatest power known to our world, the power of creation in miniature.

Many times we have listened to our teachers trying to brand unto our minds the understanding of the responsibility of our own thoughts. If one of us succeeds in utilizing his, or her mind, for good, and the object of those good thoughts are clearly defined within his or her mind, not 10,000 thoughts of error can interfere with this thought of good, for good is but the name that was fashioned for God. Good and God are synonymous of the same thing.

Constructive perfection and beauty is the unremitting support for the whole, and not for the individual parts. So that when you work your mind for Good, directed to one particular person, or nation of people, it must be solely that the whole may be benefited by your thoughts. 'The power of thought was not given lightly to man, and unless it was within the compass of man's understanding, the gift of thought would have been withheld. For none is given power to use which is beyond their understanding.

Our teachers have shown us repercussions of thoughts throughout the world, but still, we do not seem to understand in depth, sufficiently enough, to use this force of thought power to the uttermost of our ability. Unless it were within the bounds of possibility, unless it was within the capabilities of mankind, the power of thoughts would not have been given to us, we would be as the animals, directed by a strong group force of intelligence, without present individuality.

Without judging mankind in mass, or in individuals, it must be obvious that the world we live in today is made completely from the thoughts of man, excepting that which is perfection and beyond our influence. This Mighty Force has given us a world full of beauty, rich in produce to feed our bodies, the purest of waters that flow from the rocks. A beautiful world warmed by the sun and cooled by the breezes, a paradise indeed for all, perfection, and what has mankind done with this paradise?

Two thousand years ago a great Teacher came to this world for a short space of time. The years of His Ministry can be counted by the fingers on one hand. He walked among men, supported by twelve. Until the turn of this century millions obediently followed the Teachings of the One and twelve. The One dwelt among for a little time; the twelve were left to give to the world His words.

Do you need me to tell you the mighty compass, which the thoughts of that One have reached?

On our earth today, is but a fragment of those who know and understand, and through all the intermediate spheres they obey the will of God, as in love for all brothers and sisters. He taught it while on earth. He walked among mankind a little while. It was not from his lips that the millions have learnt, but from the thought forces of the twelve, and then from the twelve times twelve, and twelve times twelve times twelve. In simple language, if one begets a thought that is good (Good is but the second name of God), if you think Good things, you give birth to God again within the world, and where directed, that Good can go.

There in love and perfection, in service and in beauty goes your thoughts, and as all things are conceived in the Mind of God in utter perfection, so if your thought is perfect in its conception, and there is no other cross-vibration, no thoughts that can turn it from its path, or can assail it upon its way.

Great faiths are not born of modern propaganda.

They are not born from those who herald them on the mountains with trumpets. It is not the lungs of brass, or the voice of the trumpets.

Let us take all the great religions of our world.

Christianity, Mohammedanism Buddhism, Taoism.

Let us examine the life of Christ briefly……

As was fitting he was born in the humblest of places to signify to man that the mighty forces of God are noblest in humility, and that the lowest among us can indeed become God's representative upon this earth. His foster-father was a carpenter, his companions those of the great mass of people. He walked upon his feet from place to place, serving always, even in his youth serving always. He did not proclaim himself to have the powers of the mighty force of God. He claimed, in humility, that he gave the word of God to the children of earth. Of possessions he had none, no banners waved above his head, no trumpets sounded for him.

They were sounded only by the legions of Rome - and what propaganda there was.

For even in the days of Caesar propaganda was the instrument of the state, and what propaganda there was, was directed towards his defamation, not his upliftment. His twelve (fishers of souls he called two of them), they had no education as you know it, no force of oratory, nothing, yet that which misrepresents itself as the Church of Christ, today, sprawls across the whole of our world.

From the mouth of one and then through the twelve- From where came this power?
From the humility of common mans understanding, and allied with the mighty force of the power of truth, which is of God, because they were taught "As a man thought, so a man was”.

In no religious text will you find one bit of human power, or force, was used to create that which should have been, the mighty force of balance upon earth.


Mohammed was inspired by voices of the children of God. He was, to all intents and purposes a great Teacher, inspired by greater Teachers, who were free of mortal flesh. From High spheres, because he was receptive of truth, great inspirations were given unto him, and when he spoke of them, even unto his own people, they drove him forth into the wilderness, and there he lived with the wild asses, fed like the hermits in a cave, and on skins, on parchment wrote his book and then he went among, the people, singly, in small groups - one man and the faith of Islam on earth to-day claims 490 million followers.

His thoughts were right, and with him knowingly went the power of God, because he was told that if he believed the truth of the words given unto him, those words would flame through the living world - and they did, but just as with Christ, the flame of truth was after a time, read as the flame of the sword. Even to-day the Islam, the Moslem or Mohammedan, now that inside of him is more than he speaks, he must abase himself before his God, and it is the law of his faith that he does.


Buddha was a rich man and powerful. Many his houses and great was his wealth. His guards were numbered by the thousand and his people by the million, and when he road abroad men must bow their faces into the dust.

This was his place until he reached the age of thirty years, and then he listened to the voice of truth. He was a man who possessed all that the heart of human man could desire, excepting God. We would call Buddha clair-audient to-day.

The voices spoke to him in his chamber, when he rode, when hunting falcons and when he was in the Halls of Justice, the words he heard being truth, would not be denied, and he saw in a vision the great and glorious understanding of the vast things of eternity and the littleness of the material things of men.

To every slave within his vast realm, there was given perfect freedom, his vast riches were given completely to the last coin unto those who had nothing, and he departed to the mountain to commune with God.

When he returned to the world the people rejected him, but there were those among the common people who had received goodness from him and in one, two, and three and small groups they stole warily to the caves.

Those in poverty went into his cave, and there they learned of the Truth of things, the Truth of the Love of God, and the Truth of the everlastingness of humanity, of the undying-ness of your souls and of the inability of man to think, at least from the judgement of his works by the God within himself, and these ones went back into the villages changed men.

Because of the change in these poor ones, men of learning would be disciples of Buddha, they stole to the caves until within his lifetime, and centuries after his death, there was peace in the land of India and Tibet was a holy Place.

Such was the birth of our religions.

Out of truth and the conviction in the minds of single men, and then of their followers, this was the greatest truth given to men, the truth of his immortality, the truth of his God-like state.

If we can awaken enough souls to the true nature of their existence, then the first great light of Aquarius will shine upon our world untrammelled by the dark of Pisces.

In the age of Pisces, as its name implies, the teachers have fished for the souls of men, to show them the Truth of God. Soon, a great outpouring from the Spirit of God will fall upon the earth - or utter darkness. So, my brothers and sisters, the greatest gift bestowed upon us, was the great power of the vibration of thought.

'Let your light shine before men', is not metaphor.

Send forth good vibrations of thought, help heal our wounded world.

Lend your love and patience to all of humanity. Use this knowledge, and if you use it not, depends upon the understanding that you have of this vibration of the power of thought. The Light surrounds you. Open your eyes that you might see it, and the eyes of each behold that which dwells within your heart, and the lamp that shines on, within each and everyone of us.

The First Men Were Natural People

Where are you? What are you? What is your purpose?

These things are in the hearts of all men. We were created by the mind of the Creator of all things. From endless ages before coming here many types of life existed on this earth, mostly vegetable and marine life, and then through endless ages of evolution - MAN - but man that was different from the rest.

The first men were natural people, they knew from whence they came, in the sense that they knew that their minds could not create anything of the things around them, and yet all was there for their use. Being natural and having no great knowledge and wisdom, such as we have to-day, they knew the source from where they originated, the power of love and Goodness that had provided them with all things.

These were our Fathers. To most they would seem ignorant, childish in their ways, simple in their beliefs, but they had wisdom which we have lost. These men and women knew that to live life to the full, to live and be happy they must obey the laws, and the laws were the laws of God.

These were the Abeles of the world, the tillers of the soil, the keepers of the flocks, the happy ones of the world. All men to them were brothers. The need of brothers became the first law of consideration, if one was sick it was the duty of the others to feed, and care for him, to till his fields, mind his sheep, then the Great Creator of all things gave unto this wonderful creature Man, he gave the last gift of all - the right to think and create, and to use our own powers to contact not only God but also his brothers.

The Cains of the world, those whose thoughts are twisted, have made this world in which we live to-day, and this to which we have progressed, and that from which we came, are as wide apart as the difference between each one of us, and the Sun. The Creator gave unto mankind the earth - that upon which we dwell. We are the people of this world, and do we own the earth? No. The trees which bear our fruits, these were given unto man, but unless we buy them in the markets, where are the fruits and trees that we own? - The fields to till, the corn with which to make our bread? Very few own the fields these days.

We have many comforts. All these things mankind has fashioned for himself. This problem is, to enjoy any of these "comforts" we must buy them - and these things in this world of ours, who own them?

Those begotten of Cain

God gave the world to all peoples. The law of God is Harmony and Brotherhood, so even with the education systems of our modern society, if man truly obeys the laws of God, those who have money will count it their greatest duty to seek out those who have not, so that they may share the comforts they enjoy, with all his brothers and sisters.

We are born of all sorts of parents, physically. Yet, two children from the same family will vary in their minds from birth. Why is this? Is it that the gift of god is unequal? Or is it this; those whose minds may be brilliant have travelled this road before. They, and the intelligence of man never dies, but with the spark of God within him, it moves with him and is him, and the more he journeys through this place, the greater the wisdom of earth, for the intelligence, although it has no memories, it has the impressions of all its lives within it, and so the mind of such a one who has travelled much will be advanced beyond his brother; but within that intelligence the body has the same measure of the essence of Good, or the powers of Good, as within he who has lower intelligence.

So it will be argued that the one who has travelled much, and has knowledge within his mind, should be entitled to use his great knowledge. Yes, this is so, and with the use of this knowledge he builds for himself greater comforts, an easier life, and also he breeds for himself selfishness. When you have things you wish to retain them. Then he comes to the end of this life of his, his body dies, and he leaves this wealth of his behind. Frequently, in the winning of this wealth he has scarred his own soul, his intelligence.

When we die we must judge ourselves, for it is ourselves that mark our intelligence with all the things we do, and it is fitting in the fulfilment of the law
"As you sow, so shall you reap".

Those who sow into their intelligence discords and disharmonies must reap the sorrows of them. This is your life, then the God within you, having judged the record of your intelligence, finds it bad or good, or not so good as it should be, and for a time you will seek knowledge until your soul says to you again " Travel abroad to right the errors"... and you come again.

I do not believe all those people who hold positions of wealth have gained them selfishly. No. Many are rewards for lives of service lived before. For this is the test of the man or woman, that which they have done in previous lives, when they had no position and wealth, when they had nothing but still lived good lives by giving to their brothers help and service. This is the test for them - with all the gifts of wealth and position, can they do the same ?

Let us just see quickly and clearly the laws which govern mankind. We all have the use of our minds, we all have intelligence. It requires but little for us to realise this, but not one of us with our finite minds can create anything. Yet all things are there. We are stationed in the cosmos, the plane, our universe, our world. Various planets in their courses, orbiting around the Sun, the stars, the winds, the air we breathe, our lungs with which we breathe it. The capillaries in our lungs which pass it into our blood stream, to our heart, and our heart that sends it through your body to return again to the lungs, out into the air it goes.

Order - law and order.

The order of atoms and their construction, you know that it is according to the vibrations, or as scientists would say - the construction of the atom - so it does appear to you and, yet again, nothing is still, all forces are ever changing, never still, obeying unquestionably, the laws of God. Harmonizing with those of its fellows, those to whom it is like. This attraction of like for like is the law of God, obeyed by all things, except by mankind.

Harmony, the subject of which many grow weary ..

Harmony, the being of all things, and to each other that which the other must know, brotherhood, the two woven indissolubly, always together.

Harmony - the movement of the particles of an atom within an atom, the movement of atoms around each other, each particle of the atom supporting another particle of an atom, and each attracted atom doing its share in this work of co-ordination and harmony.

Water, light, and colour, all things weave into harmonious elements. To most the earth is an element, but what is an element? Those who speak of the earth as an element, what is an element? How solid is this earth? From when and where came this earth?

Our earth, its gases and vapours brought into harmony, cooled by the action of other gases, the harmonies within the gases being drawn tighter and tighter, closer and closer, until they support our bodies, because the atoms in our bodies are of like construction. Yet to most the earth is solid. We walk upon this thing called earth. It is good, but it is not solid. How can we be solid?

For what are we?

Mainly water, and we wouldn't call water solid, even in our world. It is true the waters in our bodies flow along channels, veins and arteries, and these our bodies must continually build or the cells will not hold the water, and the force which gives us life would kill our bodies. The other things of which we are composed - oxides, irons, they are not solid, irons, nor are oxides, little bits of sulphur, all these things are gases and change atomic formations.

All the experiences of the earth are within each of us. Within us, is the force which no other thing possesses - the light of Good. The light and force, the mind that we call god, it is within each and everyone of us. Privileged beyond all other things upon the earth, privileged to decide the course of our lives, within the limits of our physical laws, privileged to decree within our minds to deny the God within us, or according to our point of view, to obey or disobey our conscience, privileged alone among the creatures and substances of the earth, to disobey the law of harmony. Privileged to starve our children (as we do), to penalise our brothers, to corrupt his markets, destroy his creatures, hold him in chains. Privileged are we to do these things, and we do.

Centuries upon centuries of wrong thinking, of bad teachings, of mis-use by priests of the gospels of our teachers, by selfishness and cruelties which have been bred within our physical bodies, they are errors of the past. All these help to make us what we are.

These two thousand years which have passed have been 2,000 years of wars. Pisces the fishes, always showing opposition to each other, or pulling against each other, the age of darkness. The age in which mankind has denied the truth. The teachings of brotherhood and harmony. The age when mankind has moved forward along the paths of science, discovered things of great amazement, and then discovering they were of no moment. Forever discovering fresh truths, proving old truths to be ficticious.

"Keep to the Path, you will come to no harm". This is the law. Keep to the Path, but step off the Path, step off the Path of Harmony, disturb the way across the marsh, and those who travel after you, and you yourself, will know of the marsh. This is our choice so far brothers and sisters.